Friday, March 12, 2010

101 Goals in 1001 Days

I've seen this on several different blogs and really love the idea. This is a list of 101 goals that I would like to accomplish in 1001 days, which will be December 3, 2012. I started my list a few days ago but am just now putting it in writing. I am not going to stress myself out over accomplishing all of them, but this list gives me something to work towards. Some are professional, some are personal.

Items in Green are in progress
Items in blue are completed

In no particular order, this is my list of 101:

1. Sponsor a child through Compassion International (
2. Go skiing out west again
3. Go back to Vegas
4. Take my parents to dinner (and pay the bill!)
5. Start a regular workout routine and keep it
6. Start getting serious about my photography business
7. Go on a real vacation with my best friend
8. Send a friend a card for no reason
9. Take a photography class
10. Start studying for the CPA
11. Join the church
12. Improve my relationship with God
13. Pay off my car
14. Pay off my student loans
15. Start seriously saving for a home
16. Get a logo made for my photography
17. Get a t-shirt quilt made with all my sorority t-shirts
18. Have pictures made with my sister and brothers
19. Make some big prints of the pictures I took in China
20. Surprise a friend with an unexpected visit
21. Shoot an engagement session
22. Shoot pictures of April's new baby (due October)
23. Start saving for a trip to visit my sponsored child
24. Become a regular blogger
25. Go to the beach (end of May)
26. Watch Tennessee beat Florida (I realize I don't really have any control over this)
27. Throw a party for a friend
28. Get a massage
29. Get a facial (I've never had one!)
30. Babysit for friends so they can have date night
31. Go to Chicago
32. Take a weekend in Memphis to do photo shoots of all my friends' children
33. Go to The Melting Pot with my best friend
34. Learn how to use Photoshop
35. Start a prayer journal
36. Take a handgun class
37. Find a local charity that I believe in and get involved
38. Frame my college diploma (both of them)
39. Send Christmas cards
40. Develop packages and pricing for my photography
41. Go to another race with Monroe (planned for end of May)
42. Pay off my bedroom furniture
43. Host girls night at my house
44. Host a weekend at the river for my friends
45. Eat at The Back Porch in Destin
46. Try something I've never done before
47. Set up an ETSY shop for my "Photo Name Frames"
48. Get in the habit of reading at least 3-4 times a week before bed (instead of watching TV)
49. Buy a camera bag
50. Write to my sponsored child regularly
51. Participate in Race for a Cure with my Memphis ladies
52. Clean out my closet
53. Get a recipe box and compile some of my favorites....
54. and learn how to cook them
55. Book a photography session with someone I don't know (not a friend)
56. Go to a Vols game at Thompson Bowling Arena
57. Spend a weekend with just my family at the river
58. Update my resume
59. Shop for 3 angels on the Angel tree at Christmas (one for each of my siblings)
60. Get in shape enough to fit in my "skinny dress"
61. Learn to eat breakfast regularly (and not McDonald's or donuts)
62. Go to Sara and Jason's Christmas Party
63. Visit Brittany in Chattanooga
64. Visit Arrington Vineyards
65. Purchase some props to use in my photography
66. Put together a portfolio
67. Visit Washington, DC
68. Go to Knoxville and spend the weekend with Bev...for no specific reason
69. Backup my pictures
70. Backup my music

71. Get a photography lesson from Monroe
72. Have a photo session with Leslie Walker (I am the subject, she is the photographer :) )
73. Start and finish a Bible study
74. Sit for the CPA exam
75. Take a day off and go to the spa
76. Learn more about my 401K...try to really understand it
77. Go to Target and purchase ONLY what's on my list
78. Learn how to hem
79. Get my favorite black boots repaired (they need new heels)
80. Spend a weekend with my sister...just us, doing whatever we want
81. Get my car waxed (May 2010)
82. Convince one of my friends to play dress up in their wedding dress for a photo shoot
83. Keep the inside of my car clean for more than 3 consecutive days
84. Assist/2nd shoot a wedding
85. Watch New Moon
86. Take Addyson to the zoo
87. See George Strait in concert, again (tickets purchased)
88. Make a snow angel
89. Order new, personalized stationary
90. Have a picnic
91. Spend all day at my parents, on the back porch, watching a sporting event (NASCAR, basketball, football, etc)
92. Take some photos for Natasha's calligraphy business
93. Remember to take my headache medicine every night for an entire week
94. Send someone flowers, just because
95. Buy fresh flowers for my room or office, just because I love them
96. Develop an emergency fund
97. Have a picture made with my grandparents (even if it's just a snapshot)
98. Have dinner with my parents, Natasha, and her parents (we've been talking about it for 2 years now)
99. Go to a piano bar (other than The Big Bang)
100. Start taking vitamins
101. Create a new list of 101 goals on December 3, 2012

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