Friday, May 7, 2010

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Show Us Your Life-Your Kid's (or future kid's) Names

I have never participated in Kelly's Show Us Your Life, but I thought today was a fun topic. What are your children's names or future children's names? Well, I don't have any children so I will stick with future children's names....assuming my husband (if I ever find one) agrees :)

Tate Wesley or Wesley Tate

My last name is Tate and my Mom and Step-dad's last name is I will probably use either Tate Wesley or Wesley Tate, obviously depending on the last name I end up with :) I think Tate is a different name that isn't too out there but isn't too commonly used either. Plus it would be in honor of my dad's side of the family. In addition, Wesley would be in honor or my step-dad Monroe. So, I'm hoping if I ever get to be a wife and mommy, that my husband agrees :)

Tate/Tatum ???

Obviously the same reasons above for the Tate reference. Otherwise, I'm not sure for a little girl. I really love "boy" names for girls (i.e. Ryan, Tyler, Taylor) but I don't have anything specific picked out. I also like Elle. I think it's different and sounds southern :)

Obviously I am not anywhere close to becoming a mommy but I hope to one day. When that day comes, I'll put a little more thought into it!

Jump on over to Kelly's Korner and join in the fun!


  1. I love that you'd use Tate. Brown wouldn't go so well with a kid. I can just hear it now, "Hey, Doo Doo Brown!!"

  2. i love the name tatum and tate!
