Monday, May 3, 2010

Staying Dry

For now I will just say that the wedding was beautiful and perfect and my best friend was the most beautiful bride. The wedding was so much fun and I promise to do full recap posts in the next week or so.

I just wanted to drop in and ask for your prayers. You have probably seen pictures of the terrible flooding occurring in the West/Middle Tennessee area. Nashville is absolutely unbelievable. You cannot imagine the flooding. My place and my parents' place are staying dry; but so many people in and around Nashville were not so lucky. Many people have lost their homes, cars, possessions and in some cases, their lives. Please say a special prayer for them today. Also, please say a special prayer for those trying to get home...there are people stuck in Nashville that can't get out to get home and people stuck outside Nashville that can't get in to get home. The rescue workers also deserve a special prayer. We are so thankful for them and grateful for their service.

Good news: the forecast is bright and sunny for the next few days. Hopefully we dry out soon.

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